Cathy Potter


Cathy Potter was laid off from a manufacturing job in 2006, and had the opportunity to attend West Shore Community College in the Computers in Business program. She is now able to work in the new alternative energy industry. Having a degree helped her to obtain the job and she uses her new skills every day.


Follow these steps to prepare for success in college:

  • Complete the application process at the college. (use our COLLEGE tab above to navigate directly to the application page!)
  • Complete the FAFSA to determine eligibility for financial aid to help you pay for your college courses or click here for a short video about FAFSA and other financial aid.
  • Take the ACCUPLACER® test to determine college placement. (Click here for a list of Learning Labs to take the ACCUPLACER® test at no charge )
  • Determine if you have remedial needs from the ACCUPLACER® test results.
  • Register at a Northwest Michigan Works! Learning Lab (click for locations and information) for help with improving your skills.
  • Remediate in the learning lab until you are ready to attend postsecondary education training.
  • Re-take the ACCUPLACER®  Placement test to determine improved test scores.