Jennifer Hanson
Jennifer Hanson and her husband Randy both earned their GEDs at the Petoskey Adult Education Learning Lab. Jennifer was selected as one of the student speakers at the 2011 Adult Education Commencement Ceremony. "If I was going to get a better job, or go to college, or set a good example for my daughter, I needed to go back to school and finish my education," said Jennifer. She and and Randy both enrolled at NCMC.
What It Takes
To be ready for college, you must have the skills necessary to enroll and succeed in a credit bearing general education courses in a postsecondary institution without remediation.
It is important to understand that just passing the GED doesn’t mean that you are prepared for college. Studies have shown that scores in the 600+ are needed to be successful.
College readiness is determined with a college placement test. In Northwest Michigan, the local colleges use the ACCUPLACER® Test. The ACCUPLACER® computer-adaptive college placement test will:
- Evaluate your skill levels in Reading, Writing, Writing Essay and Math.
- Scores will place you in the appropriate courses based on each individual college's assignments.
If you have been out of school for a while, it is important to know that a little remediation can go a long way to help you eliminate the need for the college remedial classes. You can take the ACCUPLACER® test at any local Northwest Michigan Works! Service Center. After taking the test, you will be provided with the cut-off scores for the college that you plan on attending. If you see that you will need to take remedial courses, you can register in a Northwest Michigan Works! Learning Lab to complete a review of the skills you are missing. You can then take the 2nd ACCUPLACER® test to re-evaluate your skill levels. Information on the ACCUPLACER® test can be found by clinking on the following link CollegeBoard Accuplacer
Also important to note is basic computer and word processing skills are needed to be successful in college.
Click here for a great site to get some basics in Computers, Reading and Math.
Don't forget---typing is a necessary skill for almost all your college classes. Click here for a typing check tool
Think you know your Microsoft Office? Click here to take a quick skills test. Don't be misled by the website title, it's for everyone!