Cathy Potter


Cathy Potter was laid off from a manufacturing job in 2006, and had the opportunity to attend West Shore Community College in the Computers in Business program. She is now able to work in the new alternative energy industry. Having a degree helped her to obtain the job and she uses her new skills every day.

Study Skills Classes

Study Skills are important tools for the person going on to college.  At the Northwest Michigan Works! Service Centers, Study Skills workshops are offered once a month by Adult Education Learning Lab instructors.  Workshop participants learn how to improve their reading comprehension and effectively read a textbook.  The process of taking meaningful notes and preparing for tests is also reviewed.  Time management is another important skill for a successful college experience.

After attending the workshop, the videos below may be helpful in providing a review of what was presented at the workshop.  To access the Workshop calendar at the service center nearest you, click on the following link.

Michigan Works! Workshop Calendar



                     enlightenedenlightened  READING TIPS STUDY SKILLS VIDEO


                     enlightenedenlightened  NOTE TAKING STUDY SKILLS VIDEO


                     enlightenedenlightened  GOAL SETTING STUDY SKILLS VIDEO


                     enlightenedenlightened  TEST TAKING STUDY SKILLS VIDEO