James Wilson, II
James Wilson, II dropped out of school in the 10th grade but says he'd never really needed a diploma to find work. That changed when the manufacturing plant where he worked closed. Wilson went to the Kalkaska Adult Education Learning Lab where he spent over 30 hours a week working toward his high school diploma. "This is an excellent opportunity, you get lots of help when you need it," said Wilson. Wilson is considering different options for his future, including possibly going on to college.
The Adult Literacy Council of Cadillac
offers confidential and free tutoring for adults. Adults are matched with tutors in their community and meet in nearby locations. Tutors are available in the following counties: Wexford, Missaukee, Osceola and Lake.
Contact Information:
Barb Derby
Wexford Friends of the Library
411 S. Lake St.
Cadillac, MI 49601
The Grand Traverse Area Literacy Council (GTLAC)
a non-profit, volunteer-based organization dedicated to improving literacy throughout the Grand Traverse region. Since 1970, GTLAC has been training volunteer tutors and connecting them with aspiring learners in a variety of literacy programs. GTLAC offers tutoring services for adults, free of charge.
Contact Information:
Grand Traverse Area Literacy Council
PO Box4119
Traverse City, MI 49685-4119
Richard Thompson - President
Kathleen Packer - Office Manager
MRS (Michigan Rehabilitation Services)
works with eligible customers and employers to achieve quality employment outcomes and independence for individuals with disabilities. They work in partnership with individuals with disabilities to prepare for and obtain competitive employment, including exploring the possibilities of self-employment or owning a small business. Employment services to individuals with disabilities are provided in all 83 Michigan counties.
On the website listed below, you will find complete information about their services, how to apply, and where their offices are located.
Contact Information:,4601,7-154-25392-272058--,00.html