Gary "Buck" Mabry


Gary "Buck" Mabry dropped out of school in the 9th grade. He eventually realized he would need to get an education if he wanted to move on with his life and get a skilled profession. Gary earned his GED at the Manistee Adult Education Learning Lab. "Without the Learning Lab I'd still be studying, too   afraid to take my GED tests," said Mabry. He plans to get his Associates Degree in Behavioral Science at West Shore Community College and then go on to get his Bachelors Degree so he can become a counselor.

Why do YOU need a college education?

College is no longer just for high's for everyone. College gives you the skills you need to get a good job, a job that will allow you to support your family.

Consider the Statistics:

  • By 2018, 30 million new and replacement jobs will require some college.
  • Nearly 1.15 million working-age adults in Michigan who have earned a GED or high school
    diploma, but have not entered post-secondary education, are earning at or below the state’s
    median wage of $15.45 per hour.
  • If those adults in Michigan with either a high-school diploma, some college, or an
    Associate’s Degree were to earn a Bachelor’s Degree, their cumulative lifetime earnings would
    by $2.43 trillion. (Click to see the difference!)
  • If the approximately 692,000 working-age adults we have identified as not having a high school
    diploma were to earn a diploma or GED, their annual net fiscal contribution would
    increase by $4.97 billion. If they went on to college, their annual net fiscal contribution would
    increase by another $3.13 billion.  




College is possible

Don't let the statistics scare you. Every day, people who never thought they would attend college are signing up and succeeding.  Let the Adult Learning Partnership Programs help you get ready, get enrolled and get a great new career.